Florianópolis, Brazil

One-way Corridor at Florianópolis Airport (Brazil)


Airports are places where all kinds of people pass through every day. Depending on the city where it is located, the airport may have a higher volume of travellers travelling in or out of the country or making a stopover on their way to another location. The country with the largest number of airports is the United States, followed by Brazil with more than 4,000 airports spread throughout the country.

Florianópolis International Airport, also known as Hercílio Luz International Airport, is located in the city of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina State, in southern Brazil. One of Manusa's emblematic projects was implemented there with the installation of a couple of one-way corridor, which help the airport security authorities in baggage reclaim or passport control areas.

It is an automatic control system that is designed to allow the smooth passage of people in one direction only. In the case of this Brazilian airport, there are two aisles installed in parallel, with side indicator lights that show when access is allowed or not allowed. In addition, manual doors with anti-panic bars were installed on both sides of the aisles, so that in the event of an emergency or if the non-return lane system stops working, access can be gained to the other side and people can pass through.

Manusa one-way corridor have a fully effective functionality and guarantee the detection of an improper return or the presence of static objects. Their presence provides security to travellers who know that no person outside the flight will be able to access the baggage reclaim area and facilitates the work of airport employees during their working day.

pasillos antirretorno aeropuerto de Florianopolis manusa Brasil
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